
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:55:31
雷人的什么意思? 什么是雷人啊?雷人是什么意思 雷人,啥意思 氯化氢是什么性分子 氯化氢分子指的是氯化氢气体吗有点搞不清楚这个东西,还有一个问题就是氯气溶于水后,氯水中有盐酸吗? Y=(2X-1)/(3X+2)的值域怎么求 已知一次函数y=kx+b的图像经过第一、二、四象限,则函数y=b/kx的图像在第_____象限. 设m是实数,那么平面上的点P(3m^2-5m+2,1-m)不可能在第几象限? (-3)七次方乘(-3)六次方是多少快,急用! 1.若1 急求一个二人转的名,我就记住一句词, 有一个两位数,将它的个位与十位上的数字分别平方后有一个两位数,将它的个位与十位上的数字分别平方后(仍为1位数),交换位置,得到一个新的二位数,比原来多了29,求原来的两位数.最好能对 圆锥的表面积 【离散数学】两个集合的幂集相同,集合就相等么?RT.不是的话, 关于x y的两元一次方程组x+2y=k,3x+5y=k-1的解是方程组x-y=7的一个解,求k的值 Last month she expiained to one of her classes about sound,and she decided to test them to see how还有successful she had been in her explanation的意思 Last month she explained to one of her classes about sound,and she decided to test them to see how successful she had been in her explanation.这句话啥意思? They usually walk fast.She_ _her hair twice a day last month.She_her hair once a day last month.重赏 若a,b,c都是有理数,且a+b+c=0,a×a×a+b×b×b+c×c×c=0,求a的五次方+b的五次方+c的五次方, 若 a、b、c都是有理数且a +b+c=0,a的三次方+b的三次方+c的三次方=0 求a的五次方+b的五次方+c的五次方 的值若 a、b、c都是有理数且a +b+c=0,a的三次方+b的三次方+c的三次方=0 试求a的五次方+b的五次 1.He told me (that)he had finished his homework 2.At her london hotel today miss marsh toldreporters she might retire 3.she said she couldn't make up her mind 4.she said she would have to aks her future husband 5.she said her future husband would not Miss Marsh told reporters she might retire.reporters是间接宾语?间接引语是直接宾语? my aunt is leaving for London today,so she lets me ___ her cat.look afterto keep onto look attake care 英语作文 假如你是李明,给你的美国朋友Anna写一封电子邮件,向她描述你今天在伦敦的情况和明天的计划. She lives( )London which is far away from her parents.括号里填介词 She lives in the town with (her parents).对括号里的内容提问 搭配词语+造句搭配词语:暂时( ) 永久( ) 投入( )( ) ( ) ( )( )显著 操作( ) 记录 ( )( ) ( ) ( )( )精确 特殊( ) 测量( )( ) ( ) ( )造句:由于( .),因此 (.)一边( may lives in London with her parents. "遥遥领先"如何造句,或者和哪些词语搭配 Jenny lives()london()her parentslife was hard()herwith the help()jenny,she can play tennis a little 概率为1的都是必然事件,我还是没有明白呀 函数y=根号(-2x+3)在区间________上是减函数?为什么呢?