糖果一盒媽媽取去一半 其餘的分給弟弟和妹妹到

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:01:36
糖果一盒媽媽取去一半 其餘的分給弟弟和妹妹到
求一篇简单的英语作文英语作文写英雄的生活,题目是“giving a talk about hero? 铝材料价格多少一公斤铜 材料价格多少一公斤 请帮忙翻译一句句子 要用到sparkle with词组“这在一篇妙语连珠的发言中可是一个乏味的插曲(sparkle with)”就是上面这句 谢谢 Jody was ten years old when he decided he needed a job.He thought it might be 41 to raise (养) worms.He could sell them to farmers and people who fished.So in 42 ,he bought many worms.But that winter the cold weather killed all the worms because he 英语翻译exchange with用这个短语造一个句子并翻译, I always make some m-----when I was a little girl 有没有象钢铁韧,象玻璃硬,又象铝合金轻的材料 美的小家电包括哪些 哪些属于小家电 新型小家电有哪些 what we did during the spring festival? What will you do with your family during the Spring festival?please in detail about your answer ,with more than ten complete senntences.thank you for your kind attention. 帮我检查一下我写的这篇英语作文(初一的)“My family day”My family dayMy father usually gets up at six thirty.But my mother usually gets up at seven thirty .At eight o'clock,my father and my mother eat breastfast.Then my father 一篇简单的英语作文根据文具盒里的文具(铅笔,尺子,钢笔、、、、、、)写一篇三十词左右的短文. 急求一篇简单的英语作文.就是给我一篇关于假期(my vacation)的英语作文,八九十词就够了,最好能附加上汉语的,水平是七八年级的就行了~ 圣诞老人的一封信(450字)是中文的! You stupid jerk! You’re a jerk!You’re a jerk!You’re a jerk!You’re a jerk!You’re a jerk!You’re a jerk! you'rea jerk 榴莲用印地语马来语翻译,榴莲怎么说帮下我吧 榴莲印地语马来语单词怎么写 榴莲印地语马来语翻译成中文怎么说怎么写 英语翻译 有首歌只听到这句i never know if what you say is real这首歌是什么名字 "You know that I know what real change looks like.Because I have fought for it alongside you.have got the scars to prove it.I have got the grey hair to show for it," he said.怎样翻译比较优美些 谁帮我反映一下J.Lo——《I'm real》 I'm real what u get is what u see 氢氧化钠和二氧化碳反应制取碳酸钠的原始开车步骤 苹果印地语马来语单词怎么写 高中化学所有实验(新课标)实验方程式,实验目的等等.实验现象,,实验方程式,实验目的等等。 新课标高中化学下高一实验有几个 什么类型的烃可发生取代反应?环丁烷可以吗丁烯可以吗 you big jerk .you are a piece of cake.who loughs last loughs best.我是英盲,都是我朋友发短信来骂我的~