
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:46:28
i am against building a factory为什么be动词后接介词 The hotel is behind the library.的翻译 the mouse is left behind求翻译 英语翻译如题 英语翻译It's too late,to be smart now,I'm all out of clever thing to say.You're gone,and I'm alone now,I never meant for things to end this way.But it seems you can't help it,you keep on flirting till I can't see straight.It ain't fair,but I gues the doctor is taking to a ____ man.A.ill B.illness C.sick D.sickness 选哪个,为什么 The ___ man didn't get up until 11:00. A:ill B:sick C:illness D:sickness I am wating but i know i am not alone.rt play against的against是介词吗 against是介词吗?它的用法有哪些? 英语翻译what was vinegar first made in China The man behind he is laughing.哪里错了 the fat man behind me(翻译中文) It is the man behind the gun that tells I walk the European Council 和 the council of the European Union 相同吗 The National Council of State Boards of Nursing是什么意思 Parliamentary Assemble of the Council of Parliamentary Assemble of the Council of Europe的中文是什么 If 条件状语从句 改句子7.We come tomorrow if you'll like.8.If you'll not careful,the knife cuts you.9.If it will be fine on Sunday,Mum will take me to the amusement park.10.If I'll swim every day this summer,I'll be very healthy.11.What do yo which 和 what 在从句中的用法1.Output is now six times what it was before liberation.2.They are so alike that you can't tell which is which. 想请教一下为什么这么用?不是说what用在名词从句里,而which单独时用在形容 在从句中 what 和 which的区别在哪里 The sea level on both sides of the Grand 为什么LEVEL是单数? 在吗,有两个问题求救你 (1) The Chinese first made paper about 2000 years ago.(2)The party(1) The Chinese first made paper about 2000 years ago.(2)The party has great concern for us students.帮我分析一下这两个句子的成分, sea level要不要加the?同上 定语从句关系代词which与what 的用法和区别。。。是that和which我错了==~ 有用过读书朗点读机的,其读音是美式读法,与小学牛津英语书所配磁带不同,会影响小孩的发音和听力吗?小孩刚学英语,老师教是按配的磁带教,与点读机的不同,孩子在家学的与学校教的不一样 宾语从句关系代词能用which么.和what区别是什么 全日制高中英语听力磁带是美式发音?我是四川省的 新概念的听力磁带发音标准吗 3岁的小孩听力不好,只会简单的发音,戴上助听器能学会说话吗? and,his,brother,are,friends,good,Bob,my 这个句子的正确顺序 奥运英语100句都有哪些?写清楚!