
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:16:26
the young woman seemed to be very worried about her son 改为同义句给大家3分钟时间 I'd like to buy him a pencil-box的问句是什么 It was the most darkest day in my life.My parents died in serious car accident on the highway.on hearing the news,I was crying alone while my good friend Li Ming came and asked me what have happened .After I told him the news ,he cried ,held me witho There ______ no hurry,need there?A.need be B.need to be C.doesn’t D.needs Mr Zhang feels a little tired 的同义句是什么? There's no need to severely care what doesn't belong to you. I'd like to buy a present for my mother.对画线部分提问【a present是画线部分】 写出I buy a present for my mother on Mother's day的同义句 I buy ____on mother's day注意,前面的句子就要转化成后面的形式 The past life of my grandpa的英语作文 Linda can ____many English books___(翻译成)Chinese II'm tired.Heart tired.Physically tired 这句话"I'm tired.Heart tired.Physically heart 在食物蛋白质的化学分计算中,为什么可用鸡蛋做参比蛋白? heart tired,3Q heart realy tired 蛋白质食物有什么? sister,I'd,to,for,like,buy,dress,a,my(.)连词成句you,can,old,glasses,for,the,pick,that,up,man(?) The admission price per child at an amusement park is 5/9 of the admission price per adult.If the admission price for 6 adults and 3 chgildren is 276yuan,then the admission price per adult is ( ) A.24yuan B.32yuan C.36yuan D.40yuan I have two bananas 改成一般疑问句 i’m soryy i’m `对不起~`我累了是这样写么? Everything he knows ( )true. A.is B.are C.doesn't D.does快 求句英文的意思the ring is so true拜托了! 浪漫主义时期交响乐特点 It cost her a lot of money,but she doesn’t regret _ a year traveling around the world.A) to have spent B) to spend C) spent D)spending这个题要从那下手? Do you still remember the day ______we said goodbye to each other?Awho Bwhich C when Din that还有那种问题,例如把这道题的the day替换成 the place 那应该用 where 还是用 which?一直没弄明白,都是凭感觉做题,有时候能 交响曲4个乐章分别的特点是什么 交响乐发展中共分为哪几个时期?谈谈它们的特点. You are __ (期待) to win the first prize 给我像晚会开头纯声音的那种 ladies and gentlemen,let's show time 很有磁性的男性声音 Let;S drink the heath of all the ladies and gentlemen hearA for presentingB to presentC of presentedD toward to present Let's的中文是什么