
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:49:51
help em to translate this little passage~it's very urgent,please!There is one very obvious solution; terminate greyhound racing.A major issue with the Canidrome(a place in Macau) in not just the fact ex-racers are killed but the conditions and treatm You need not do it right now.同义句转换为You___ ___ ___do it right now. Help!How to translate?The key challenge facing any sizable organization today is how to achieve responsiveness without losing the control inherent in a hierarchical structure.如今,具备一定规模的企业组织面临的主要挑战是,如何在 You need not do you homework now.(保持句意不变 1、什么是敬业?2、为什么要敬业?3、怎样才算敬业?4、文中引用朱子的话,属于_____论据;讲述偻丈人承的故事,属于_____论据,都是为这两段(第一要敬业~我说的敬业,不外这些道理)的论点______ 《敬业与乐业》 第6、7、8自然段的论证思路 什么是单项式 x^(-3)算不算 初三语文《敬业与乐业》作者说“当木匠的做成一张好桌子,和你们当政治家的建设一个共和国家同一价值.”这跟我们平常所说的每个人做事对社会的贡献有大小之分,有没有矛盾?为什么? he comes to school ———— than the rest because he has got the the key to the doorhe comes to school _____ than the rest because he has got the the key to the doora.late b.earlier c.early D.later He has to see doctor because he________(胃疼).帮帮忙,是 stomachache 还是 has a stomachache ,帮忙分辨分辨 John has decided______sweets before going to bed because he always has toothaches.A.to eat B not to eatC.eating D not eating 1 he always feels lonely because he has ()friends A little B alittle C few D a few2 the boy writes() his pen every day A with B in C at D to 要说明原因 Normal Tax Invoice TOP URGENT!如题:Normal Tax Invoice to be made out to:***bank*** Tax invoice 是不是就是commercial invoice,=PI 这个并不是国内的客人,当时我是把proforma invoice改成Tax invoice再加上抬头发客户了,杯具 translate the sentence,thanks---top urgent!Pour la collection ETE 2009 HOMME,nous ré utilisons l'étiquette tissée TBS 20.2.19 (8 cm x 6 cm) et la sangle tissée TBS 20 pts 25 mmPar contre,nous voudrions vous faire développer 2 nouveaux coloris1- 青春对中国梦的重要性,为什么说中国梦与青春梦相连接?怎么解释青春梦对中国梦的重大影响?怎样才能接地气地表现出中国梦与我们的年轻一代息息相关?为什么说青春梦能托起中国梦?.反正 实现中国梦和青春梦最关键的分别是什么? 做曲线运动的物体速度一定变吗 世界最小的洲 最大和最小的洲分别是哪个洲?最大和最小的洋分别是哪个洋?我国位于哪个洲?我国东临哪个洋? 最大的洲和最小的洲分别是哪个洲?最大和最小的洋分别是哪个洋?我国位于哪个洲?我国东临哪个洋? 英语翻译Night Divides the Girls This is the excuse that encapsulates my pride This tender misery is loneliness’ bride So I trudge in a world Where I open up my arms To greet the sky opening up To dump such muddy rain Upon my waiting lips Did yo I believe that everyone will be able to travel to the moon for a holiday.同义句转换I believe thai everyone( )( )to the moon for a holiday.每空一词 a lot of的所有近义词及区别现在就要 mum,a lot of,dad,purse,exciting的近义词 把边长为2的正方形剪成4个全等的直角三角形,用这4个直角三角形拼成1个梯形,2个方法.…… 世界最大的洲是亚洲,最小的洲是大洋洲,亚洲的面积是大洋州面积的4倍还多812万平 如图有一个长方形abcd长ab是4厘米,宽bc是3厘米,对角线ac长五厘米,a向右翻滚了三次,求a点所走过的路程长戴尔教育第十三讲第7题, 4个同样的等腰直角三角形怎样组成一个等腰梯形(要有图)antuzuo按图做 maybe that mean nothing ,and it's my own business谁帮我翻译下 英语翻译maybe it's the way that the stars are alignedthat's making me feel this way tonightmaybe it's the words you left unsaidmaybe it's the stardust in my headbut i wanna tell youthat my heart is busting at the seams,yeahand i can't wait anothe Maybe it's good that anyone else don't understand it. 《数学问题》用一条8米长的绳子围着一根圆木桩绕4圈,还余1.72米.这根木桩的直径用一条8米长的绳子围着一根圆木桩绕4圈,还余1.72米。这根木桩的直径是多少米?