
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 10:28:59
现在9月份,如果复习备考今年11月份的BEC高级还来得及么六级521,是没有准备去考的.考研74.想这次好好准备一下去考11月份的,都需要什么书? James was only weak in English,so his mother sent him to the English class.James got good grades because of his good momory.If he heard any passage once,he could read and put it into Chinese.However,he could not make his own sentences.And his face us 我报了bec高级以后才听说它很难的,现在只有2个月了,请各位有才之士告诉我怎么复习备考, What is in the village?这句到底怎么翻译 neighbor和neighbour哪个对 还是都对 neighbour是什么意思 贱命,英语怎么说? I want to bike riding.是不是缺一个go?这里的bike riding是动词短语吗? 贱的英文?.就是用来骂人的,你懂得。 贱用英文怎么说? can\'t you let it stay here for a moment是什么意思 area district 有什么区别? 英语翻译Why do you look like so sad?Winter have been arrived,can spring be far away from us? 怎样形容一个很贱的女人呢? 请问最常用的十条文明用语是什么? 古代文明用语 计算行列式 2 1 1 1 ,1 2 1 1 ,1 1 2 1,1 1 1 2, 什么是智慧教室? 得之我幸,失之我命,这句话怎么理解! 英语翻译why you talking all that talkwho you trying to impressthink you better check your stylethat might have worked beforebut i ain't having itshow me that you got the touchhear the words that i don't saygotta read between the linesyou gotta le acca考卷是英文的吗是不是还要英语达到什么等级才能报考啊 英文麦词不会读怎么搞读书的时候不努力 现在几句英文都不会也.谁能给点MC麦词的开场英文我啊.要求:有英文 以及中文的意思 和用汉字来解读英文.比如:Ladies and Gentlemen,Good Evening 中文意 hi,想请教您一下要想看懂ACCA的试卷,英语要达到什么水平?真的看不懂呀,我觉得CPA都比ACCA爽快,还有,怎么学英语呀,快愁死了,请大侠帮帮忙吧? 不看清,是怕看轻.英文翻译 墨西哥跳豆是怎么回事的呢?墨西哥跳豆怎么会跳? 墨西哥跳豆为什么会跳? 墨西哥为什么三不管 墨西哥为什么乱 墨西哥为什么这么乱 Mc路少我有一个梦想叫Mc麦词 说明语素和词 的区别.最好加一些示例说明. 为什么男人都那么贱?