来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:17:43
he has just come here .No one knows ( ) 为什么用 where he is from 而不用 where he was from We're all going to live.You should trust me.(改为祈使句)We're all going to live._____ _____. Can you deliver it day after tomorrow?这里的the day after tomorrow?还是可以去掉the? smaller怎么造句 把多个英语句子合并为一个句子规则combine each group of sentences into a single setence,using coordinatin ,subordination or both 例如 Walden Pond is now the site of many tourist stands It was once raised by Thoreau for its natural bea 新概念新版第一册42课里的句子怎么写 wishing the god blesses to you的英文意思是? 造句,越多越好用“爱鸿遍野”“爱不释手”“爱莫能助”“爱屋及乌”“安步当车”造句? 为什么吃死掉的动物对身体不好?将它放在锅子里烧也是将它杀死.如果是被火烧死的动物(没有完全烧焦)没隔多少时间是否也可以将它煮熟吃掉? 华兹华斯自然观请教哪位华兹华斯的研究者有关于华兹华斯自然观的中英文版文献,英文版的翻译成中文大概2000字左右就可以了,急用, 英语翻译She entered the station twenty minutes before the train was due,since her parents had impressed upon her that it would be unforgivable to miss it and cause the friends with whom she was going to stay to make two journeys to meet her.我 己所不欲后一句是什么? 己所不欲勿施于人 的下句是什么,谁能帮我回答下吗? 什么是Two-Part 再难都会过 跪求句式一样的下句. 拳不离手和己所不欲的下一句是什么? 中国有没有什么瀑布下面是条江意思就是说瀑布旁边有条江河,然后瀑布的水摔下来全打在江上 而不是瀑布摔下来形成一条江清澈一点的 赤壁赋况吾与子渔樵于江渚之上是什么特殊句式 啥是c++容器容器是内置的么?就是说我只要写上class container就可以调用这容器里面的所有东西么? Rooms celebration 白金汉宫里的“State 在centos6.0中执行man 出现 -bash:man:command not found 是什么原因,应如何解决? barter;barter asp代码问题,谁帮我解释一下这段代码的意思和里面exec=""与exec=exec&'''的用法 barter是什么意思,有什么优点 rooms是什么意思 qingdao is a beautiful city and it is easy to get___the city by taxi.A.along B.away C.around “碱基”的英文怎么说? 英文名叫End怎么样?. Mrs Ball always ____ that he might be ill easy to say翻译成中文