
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:43:39
is this your eraser的同义句 Is this your eraser?(作否定回答) My brother,as well as I ,went to school yesterday句中as well as I 作什么成分? my brother went to see the film yesterday afterroom.(否定句) my brother went to the history museum yesterday改为一般疑问句和否定句 Little Kate went to school___it rained heavily yesterday.A thoughB since为什么选B不选A? 求W开头的英文名.我叫王译晗,我是个的女生.希望英文名和我的中文名有一点谐音. ‘’了解英国历史‘’英语怎么说 Can I borrow your pencil?Can I ____a pencil______youCan you ______your pencil______me May l borrow your ruler?(同义句)Could you _______ your ruler _______ me,please? Can I borrow your pencil 的同义句是什么?以 Can I borrow 开头 后面四道横线. 英语中Can I borrow your pencil?的答句 I ____(visit) my grandma. I have to visit my grangma .同意句I have to __ ___ ___ my grandma.同意句:1.I have too much homework to do this weekend.__ ___ too much homework __ ____ to do this weekend.2.Let us discuss the science report.Let us __ ___ the My parents visit my grandma ( twice a month ) .对括号部分提问_____ _____do your parents visit your grandma I visit my grandma(用usually改写句子) “我最亲爱的”用英文怎么说?是我最亲爱的!不是亲爱的! 你永远是我最亲爱的 用英语怎么说如题 急用 我最亲爱的 英语怎么说 2*π+5*(根号5-根号10)√=根号 用计算机计算,保留三个有效数字大哥大姐们帮帮忙 x分之x-2≥0的过程及解法 -x^2+x+2 (x-2)x=0的解法及过程 (x-2)x≤0的解法和过程 让你别发哦 你还发哦 英语翻译 ()colour is your ruler?可以填what,where,who,how.并说明这样填的理由. 1.8x=2y+100 x等于多少 y等于多少 已知x^2-8x+y^2-y+16又1/4=0,求[(x+y)(x-y)-(x+y)^2-2y(x-3y)]÷4y的值 若|x-1/2|+(2y+1)^2=0,那么x+y=_____.-2的相反数与-1/2的倒数和的绝对值等于____.若|a|=4,|b|=3,且a,b异号,则|a-b|=_____.若a<b,则|b-a+1|-|a-b|=____.如果x<y<0,则花间|x|/x + |xy|/xy的结果为____. 求直线x 2y 1=0被圆x^2 y^2-8x-2y 12=0截得的弦长 方程x^2+y^2-8x+2y+a^2=0表示一个圆,则a的范围是 英语翻译汉语中就说、下横杆/下划线、杠/减号、杠、反斜杠.不知道英语里这些的一般表达方法是什么?