
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:56:08
l think he will be back soon.为什么不能写成 l think he will back soon . He usually listens to the radio at night.(用now,改为一般现在时) we chinese excited because of the 2008 olympic games 英语作文Hown do your clean your classroom I think he'll write back soon的同义句和他的否定句 英语翻译Recite every new word and expression in Module 1 andthen make a sentence of each word and expression in you exercise book.不要用翻译器,那都行不通.抱歉打错了,Module 1后面是and then 杜甫的诗和辛弃疾的词 快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快 杜甫的冬天诗,两首,快!急用!好的话有加分的 杜甫的诗句和王安石的诗句,需要很多! Miss the original simple mind的中文意思是什么 distinguished alumni professor是什么意思 就是怎么判断单选题是考察非谓语动词 LSE alumni是什么意思 alumni gala the first textbook written for teaching english as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.为什么teach 要用动名词啊?还有为什么用 written for 关于在高中英语面试的时候的一些问题.1.面试是不是应该先鞠一个躬?应该在什么时候鞠呢?2.自我介绍应该吧姓和名颠倒一下吗? what did you do on the afternoon of sept.10th是什么意思急啊! 初一英语补全对话 a:good afternoon,mr taylor b:good atfenoon,what's your name,pleaes?a:__ ___is li feng.___are you,mr,taylor?b:i'm fine,__ ___and __?a:i'm fine,___ ,exruse me,mr taylor,what's this in ___?B:it's a map a:will you spell ___,pleas the teacher asked such a difficult question _ no one in the class could answer答案是填as.为什么不是which? your perhaps tape is the in classroom怎么排列说出中文 interested in English,I study it well.中就不要being.所以我认为I won't go on holiday with my mother being ill.中being多余 —你英语学的怎么样?——___ ___your English study ____?—你英语学的怎么样?——___ ___your English study ____? text a message存在吗? three -storeyed house还是three-storey house?还是其他? Mike runs faster than -----boys A littlt three other Bthree little other Cthree other littleD little other three it was supposed to be easy. Life wasn't meant to be 关于高中英语的一些问题英语都学到高中了,一些基本的问题还是不懂句子成分怎么样划分?就是那些主谓宾状定语的.还有就是一些东西弄不懂,比如说同源宾语和独立主格结构之类的, 为什么南宋会被蒙古灭掉!南宋有名将,士兵也不弱于蒙古兵啊? 需要你们回答一些问题.技术高级的》.别忽悠我. 回答者:Nora一二三寻求高中英语老师的帮助!需要你们回答一些问题.技术高级的》.别忽悠我. 昨天下午迈克和他的叔叔到达了上海 Mike _ in Shanghai with jis uncle _ afternoon昨天下午迈克和他的叔叔到达了上海 Mike _ in Shanghai with his uncle _ afternoon 每空一词