
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:03:46
请英语达人看看his girlfriend sprawled on his couch with her head hanging off the side and her yards of golden hair trailing across his floor. 在光照适宜温度恒定的条件下 英语翻译Many wrong ideas about the Atlantic made early sailors unwilling to sail far out into it.One idea was that it reached out to "the edge of the world."Sailors were afraid they might sail right off the earth.Another idea was that at the equa ___you please not read the text until you have listened to the tape?为什么答案是would而不是shall? 英语翻译lack of strong column/weak beam design approach.A capacity designapproach was not followed in the design of the beam flexural reinforcement,asthe beams were generally designed for the code level forces.The effects of post-yield behavior w 问2句英文常用口语~室友是美国人.他每天回家后 我想说 你回来了啊.或者之类的客套话怎么说?离开时候想说,那我先去上学了 或者说我走了啊 怎么说? 额无语了老是出现参数错误 it suddenly stuck me that I had no idea where I had my carit suddenly stuck me 和 I suddenly thought 的意思相近还是与 I suddenly found out相近? 航天信息防伪开票时一打开就出现Field “企业名称”must have a value 怎么办 直死之魔眼能切开A.T.Field吗?RT 英语超难题,求一位超级达人解题. 英语翻译翻译:the struggle needs to be a real attempt to figure out or solve a problem in as many ways as possible. Phoebe 是名字还是姓如题、 英语超难题!如果是十级以上达人解题! 英语超难题!如果是十级上的达人解题!我肯定采纳! 如果是十二级以上的达人解题! 英语超难!如果是十级以上的达人解题! 一道六年级修改病句【擅长的都进来】(共8处错误)大年三十早上,我给外婆送年画.外婆住的村子离我家很近,要大约半个小时左右才能走到.外婆家一片繁荣的景象,两个舅舅正在写春联.我把 have you [ ] spoken to a foreigner .no ,[ ] a already never b ever never c yet,already d ever ever 把句子补充完整:1.我累的__________.2.太阳光芒四射,亮得_____________. 翻译成英文,那个整天一直躲在云层里的太阳,现在又光芒四射地露面了. 问:现代护理学的发展经历了哪几个阶段?各阶段有何特点? Lisa and Mary are talking.一般疑问句___ Lisa and Mary ___? LUCY and mary are friends .-------- like playing football为什么A they both B two of themC All of them Mark ate a bowl of noodles for lunch这道题是对划线部分提问,从a bowl 到noodles )为划线部分 凡卡当上了鞋店的学徒,他每天( )要干很多种活,( )动不动就挨打挨骂.( )他十分想念爷爷,给爷爷写 凡卡当上了鞋店的学徒,他每天( )要干很多种活,( )动不动就挨打挨骂.( )他十念爷爷,给爷爷写了信,( )他把信的地址写错了,爷爷又怎么能收到呢?( )爷爷收到了信,( )不能把他带回乡下 ()she ate a lot,she was very slim.(a) Even though \x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05(b)nonetheless(c) in spite of (d)de spite 《凡卡》中爷爷为什么让凡卡当学徒?有什么打算? St.Anthony's Day的简单英文介绍 如果是过去式,是just did 还是 just do sth I was do the dishing just now.这个句子有语法错误吧!