
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 17:04:33
请问英语四级怎样才能顺利通过?怎么复习较好? 英语四级怎么复习容易通过?重点是多练习哪些板块比较快速、有效些?感觉是不是听力、阅读OK了就基本可以通过了? 为了通过英语四级考试,从现在开始应怎样复习呢?我现在开始都大二了,我的英语四级上学期考过一次了,但差四十多分,过了一个假期回来后,什么都忘了,现在我想这学期过,我买了本全真试题, 用心守候已不属于我的一切,我会一直都在!英文怎么打 爱她的心英文怎么说? He sat there yesterday,thinking of his life.He sat there ,thinking of his life yesterday.两句哪一句对. He slept there,thinking of his life. thinking后面要加of可不可以这样理解:think可以做及物动词但意思是认为. 做不及物动词的意思就是思考 这里很显然意思是思考 可以这样理解吗. He slept there,thinking of his life.这里的thinking后面为什么要加of think不是可以做及物动词吗. 英语中为什么不可数名词前可以加“a”啊 When we __an English movie,the headmaster__past our classroom. 是选择题 选项在下面A watch;walkedBwere watching;was walkingCwatched;was walkingDwere watching;walked麻烦各位高手帮帮忙啊感激不尽啊顺便解释一下谢谢答案是 what possibility_____to take an earlier plane.a is there b there is c it is d is it 选哪个,帮下忙 Excuse me,( )can I buy dumplings?A.which B.what C.where .Jane____to answer the difficult questions that was_____by the teacher.A.rose.raised B.raised…risen C.rose…risen D.raised…raised 医疗纠纷产生的原因 Alaska was purchased by the United States from what country翻译并回答 what--------are you?I come from the USA A、nationality B、state C、country D、home要为什么 What type of thread do you use ? The thread are imported from which country ?这句话是什么意思啊 用as如同造句要中文 求 the line king 的英文故事简介短一些,谢谢 it's anythiing but being easy to understand 这句话语法正确吗 find it easy for you to understand me.把这个句子在find前面加个什么?可不可以是I find it easy for you to understand me .对么? 我与祖国共奋进——庆建国60周年上次有个人答了,但是我还没来得及看,今天就没了,望有人在打一次!没了烦死了!25分没了,麻烦再打一次!文章1300-1800字 以“我和公司同发展,我与祖国共奋进”为主题,庆祝建国60周年演讲稿!越快越好! 求稿!急!庆祝建国60周年演讲比赛,以“我与祖国共奋进 我与砀山同发展”为主题要贯彻一点思想政策,至少要写到三个方面:祖国,砀山,我 时长大约5分钟 60周年国庆作文《我与祖国共奋进》 Intelligence is to some extent__one is born with.A.that B.of what C.something D.which Each is born with the capacity to win at life!这是句格言吗?怎样翻译? what to do is he going with that hammer? 医生应该怎样做才能缓解医患关系? 没有哪一个同学说李医生不是好人.(改成反问句) 名字里面带.墨心.是什么含义? 墨有香魂墨亦香,香有墨心香有心.出自哪首诗,