most almost mostly nearly narrowly的具体用法求大神帮助

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:21:40
most almost mostly nearly narrowly的具体用法求大神帮助

most almost mostly nearly narrowly的具体用法求大神帮助
most almost mostly nearly narrowly的具体用法求大神帮助

most almost mostly nearly narrowly的具体用法求大神帮助
most最多.最.最大.极其.最多的.几乎全部的.大多数的.Most students passed the examination.大多数学生通过了考试.almost :几乎.差不多 The patient was almost dying.那位病人几乎奄奄一息.mostly :主要.大部份.大概The work is mostly done.这工作已基本完成.nearly和almost用法差不多 narrowly:狭窄的勉强的严密的In general,teaching materials are narrowly defined as textbooks.一般来说,狭义的教材专指教科书.